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Tutto il materiale contenuto in questo sito è di proprietà di Asktodina e/o delle aziende rappresentate; ad esso sono applicabili le leggi italiane ed europee in materia di diritto d’autore; eventuali testi prelevati da altre fonti sono anch’essi protetti dai Diritti di Autore e di proprietà dei rispettivi Marchi Proprietari.
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Si consente un diritto limitato, revocabile e non esclusivo a creare links ai siti del dominio asktodina.it solo ed esclusivamente fin quando questi links non ritraggano Asktodina ed i suoi prodotti o servizi in maniera falsa, fuorviante o comunque offensiva. Chiunque fosse interessato ad inserire sul proprio sito un link o qualsiasi altro mezzo di collegamento al presente sito, dovrà preventivamente chiederne l’autorizzazione a Asktodina scrivendo a info@asktodina.it
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🇬🇧 Copyright Notice
All trademarks shown on this website belong to their legitimate owners; third party trademarks, product names, trade names, corporate names and companies mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and have been used for explanatory purposes only and for the benefit of the owner, without any purpose of infringement. of the Copyright rights in force.
All the material contained in this site is owned by Asktodina and / or the companies represented; Italian and European copyright laws are applicable to it; any texts taken from other sources are also protected by copyright and property of the respective proprietary brands.
All information and contents (texts, graphics and images) shown are, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain; if, unintentionally, copyrighted material or material in violation of the law has been published, please let us know and we will immediately remove it.
Asktodina has no responsibility for the sites which can be accessed through the links present on this site; even with these pages, Asktodina does not intend to violate any copyright right.
On the sites of the asktodina.it domain you will have permission to view, copy, print and distribute the documents contained on the site, following your acceptance of the following notes:
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It is now agreed that Asktodina may revoke this permit at any time and, as soon as you receive notice, you will immediately cease your activities in relation to this permit.
A limited, revoc able and non-exclusive right is granted to create links to the sites of the asktodina.it domain only and exclusively as long as these links do not portray Asktodina and its products or services in a false, misleading or otherwise offensive manner. Anyone interested in inserting a link on their site or any other means of connection to this site, must first request authorization from Asktodina by writing to info@asktodina.it
Asktodina does not however authorize links to its site through the “framing” method.
Asktodina reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time at its discretion.